Dr. Ir. Wouter Vanhove - new operational director at Entrepreneurs without Frontiers

Wouter Vanhove 2021 focus

Dr. Ir. Wouter Vanhove - new operational director at Entrepreneurs without Frontiers

From June 1st  Entrepreneurs without Frontiers can count on the services of an operational director. Dr. Ir. Wouter Vanhove (° 1977) lives with his wife and two children in Mariakerke near Ghent. As an agricultural engineer, he has almost 20 years of research experience in the tropics. He has focused on innovations in agricultural systems that can generate higher incomes for small-scale farmers in the South, increase food security and make local agriculture more resistant to a changing climate.

Wouter's ambitions with EWF are not small.

Wouter: "It is clear that in the fight against climate change we should not bet on one horse. Restoring natural ecosystems is a strategy with a huge and multifaceted impact. The reforestation projects that Entrepreneurs without Frontiers are carrying out in the African Sahel particularly appeal to me because, in addition to taking CO2 out of the air, they contribute to the precarious living conditions in Africa's semi-arid regions through the use and sale of forestry products (fodder, grass, oil, gum). Therefore, I want to step up a gear and work with EWF to significantly scale up reforestation activities, in close cooperation with African partners."