Evaluation report 2021

Senegal 2021

Ethics and authenticity is the driving force of what we want to achieve 

Our evaluation report 2021 (EN) with focus on #ethics , #sustainability , #biodiversity , #quality , low #overhead , #transparency , all profits to #reforestation , #authenticity , working on site with only #senegalese staff and #local people , so that we create wealth where it is really needed. Follow the link here: Evaluation report 2021 (EN)

Currently we are still working with an old Delfino 2S (1984) on the field (see film). The distributor Hommes et Terre GLOBAL NV and the manufacturer Nardi refuse to sell us a new plough.

By not letting the market play, the prices for land work (for large areas of land) are artificially raised. No one can offer a better proposal with different ploughs and techniques as they can never reach the quota of hectares of work per month. In other words, by using such market manipulations, governments and NGOs who want to reforest the Great Green Wall always pay too high a price without realising it. 

We can at least ask ourselves whether such a way of working is ethical or not? And is it legal or not? We therefore call for a transparent investigation into this state of affairs!