Fighting together against desertification

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Not a day goes by or people are talking about the climate somewhere. Entrepreneurs Without Frontiers (OZG: Ondernemers Zonder Grenzen) doesn't just stick to talking, but actively searches for opportunities to counteract the results of climate disruption. They do this by combatting desertification, through reforestation projects at the edge of the desert.

Chairman Werner Sels, sociologist Halewijn Timmermand and geographer Malick Sally are currently studying the Ferlo region in Senegal, particularly the sites Ranérou and Mbar Toubab. They are completing the feasibility study and are preparing the reforestation. This is OZG's first time in Senegal, following the example of what they achieved in Burkina Faso.

Follow their story here.

The mission in Senegal has already shed a lot of (tree) seeds!

Our chairman Werner Sels literally went out into the field with two sergeants of Eaux et Forets to fight together against desertification caused by climate disruption. This fight has resulted in fruitful discussions with Colonel Bababa, his assistant Lt. Mme. Balbé and director general of E&F Colonel Baidyba.

Later that evening, Werner spoke with Michel Francoys of Enabel, the Belgian development agency. The SDG objectives were discussed, including SDG 15 (Life on Land), for which the book A Better World devoted a chapter to Entrepreneurs Without Borders. It also focused on the socio-economic part of our project.