Forests to implement Footprint Neutrality in your business

220208 OZG Senegal GMV Novotel DD 3631

Certifying new forests in the Sahel of Senegal 

Besides the field work, there is also a lot of administrative work to be done on site.

Together with various Senegalese government structures and the agency of the Great Green Wall, a protocol is being worked on that allows parties such as OZG to certify forests in accordance with the Paris agreement of 2015.

Here too, OZG is doing pioneering work. Collaboration is therefore required in order to achieve effective results. For example, clear agreements must be made to avoid double counting, as per Art. 6 of the Paris agreement.

The main objective is to achieve socio-economic impacts in addition to reforestation that will ensure better opportunities for the future in the Sahel region.