Httpool, did it too... with Lignaverda!

Schermafbeelding 2021 10 15 om 19.07.54

14600 trees or almost 50ha new forest thanks to sport!

Httpool, an Aleph Holding company, is the largest global partner of major media platforms. They support their growth and drive business results for traditional and native advertisers in more than 30 markets in Europe and Asia.

🎯 The challenge

Httpool employees received a unique code to unlock their challenge on the platform. They linked their sports app or wearable (e.g. Strava) to the platform to automatically and flawlessly synchronise their activities. Their goal was to collect 14,600 trees by covering 29,200 kilometres from Monday 6 September to Sunday 3 October. This means they earned a tree for every 2 kilometres recorded on the platform.

Participants could walk, run, cycle, swim or do other types of sports to achieve their team goal. Most importantly, we challenged them to work together to achieve their goal.
During the challenge, they received real-time updates on their progress via leader boards and insights on the platform. A weekly inspirational blog post motivated them to keep moving and create awareness about physical and mental well-being in a fun and gamified way. We also created awareness about their corporate social responsibility (CSR) with insights about Lignaverda's project in Senegal.

Want to know more about this event, the collaboration between #Energylab and #OZG click (Dutch)  here.