Let’s make deserts green... with sustainable partnerships (SDG17)

IMG 3618 v2

Reforestation has nothing to do with the amount of trees to plant in a year or in the coming decade. Planting trees is all about learning from our past to understand our future, building bridges with people, cultures, national and international organisations and governments (SDG17: Partnerships), to stop desertification (SDG13: Climate ) and to create together a better world... (SDG15: Life on Earth)

During the first quarter of 2019, OZG in Senegal will start with two pilot projects in Mbartoubab and Ranérou together with Eaux et Forêts Sénégal and embedded in Great Green Wall initiative supported by UNCCD. New opportunities will also be investigated coming months. We keep you informed about new progressions on the field…

Want to join us? Send us an e-mail at info@ozg.be  and we will contact you to join OZG in the fight against desertification caused by climate disruption. Want to contribute? Click here to join us in building the Great Green Wall!