Who is who and does what
Entrepreneurs Without Frontiers (EwF) is a non-profit organisation that does not receive structural subsidies from the Belgian government. EwF belongs to the 4th pillar family under the umbrella of 11.11.11 and is a member of the United Nations Association and BE-Impact.
What we can do ourselves, we do better. We appreciate every helping hand that can do the job. Thanks to the support and work of our volunteers (effective members), staff in Senegal and freelancers, OZG is where it is today. In addition, there are also many associate members who help out where necessary.
We always aim for an 80/20 project/overhead ratio. We can achieve this by working without expensive consulting and marketing costs. And no expensive unnecessary flights to anywhere in the world either. We convert the profits we make into more forest. In short, 80% of our turnover goes to the project!
In all projects that OZG sets up, we train the local population and provide local employment so that, in time, they will be able to carry out the projects themselves.

Werner Sels
CEO and Founder Entrepreneurs Without Frontiers
Imagine... A Better World
Dr.Ir.Wouter Vanhove
Operational Director
Imagine... A Better World

Steven Buyse
Chairman Entrepreneurs Without Frontiers
Managing Partner CVC

Bob Verbeeck
Member of the Board
CEO Golazo

Luc De Temmerman
Member of the Board
Member of the Board of Elia

Pol Deturck
Member of the Board
CEO Beaulieu

Frédéric Marquet
Member of the Board
Managing Director Unipex

Dr. Stef Van Uffel
Member and questor of the Board

Marc Franck
Member of the board

Tom Schepers
Member of the board
Lt. Colonel Belgian Airforce

Samira Bersoul
Member of the board
Director HR management

Bineta Kamara
Operational Director Senegal
Staff Senegal

Prof.Dr.Ir. Patrick Van Damme
Academic advisor
Professor at Tropical agriculture in UGent and Dean University of Prague

Ir. Emiel De Meyer
Carbon Engineering
Phd Researcher assistent UGent

Saydou Ba
Agronome Engineer
Staff Senegal

Patrick De Milt
Cultural advisor in Senegal

Alexander Kustermans
Business Strategy Consultant at Accenture

Yaya Barry
Administration Senegal
Staff Senegal

Daan Degroote
Photography and videography

Filip Goethals
Impact Facilitator

Dr. Ann De Beul

Wim Devolder
Impact Facilitator

Karen Ferreira

Joris Debonnet